And 3,000 people, more or less, are diagnosed annually. Without asbestos attorneys, the patient and his or her family will end up financially ruined as this illness is very expensive to manage and treat. You or someone you know with this disease will definitely need the expertise and assistance that only an asbestos cancer attorney can give at a crucial time like this.
People with an extended history of asbestos exposure are more at risk for developing mesothelioma or asbestosis cancer. For those who have been exposed to a small amount of asbestos can still contract the cancer later on in life. This is because mesothelioma has a latency period of 30-40 years, and only after such time will symptoms start to show. When it does, the person usually dies in a year or two, depending on the gravity of the exposure. This means that people at the age of 50-70 are usually the ones reported to have this illness.
With the help of an asbestos cancer attorney, people who work or used to work at factories, boilers, and other industrial settings using asbestos can be investigated on, and when proven to have been exposed to asbestos through medical tests, can seek financial compensation with the help of their asbestos cancer attorney.
Asbestos attorneys also know that many patients usually don't show any signs of the symptoms at all and are sometimes mistaken to be just long lasting coughs or pneumonia. But if you get a very good asbestos cancer attorney, he will help you be properly diagnosed and most importantly, get well compensated for such a tragic situation.
This Cancer is Called Mesothelioma
If you live or work in Rhode Island, then your life is in danger. Asbestos has been illegal in the state of New York for over 20 years, but there are still some landlords and factory owners who have not removed it from their buildings. This is unforgivable neglect, but what is worse is the manufacturers and building owners who continue to use asbestos in construction and manufacture, despite the health warnings.These health warnings are no idle threat, and recent studies have shown that asbestos is a lot more than something that can cause cancer. There is now significant evidence to suggest that asbestos, when inhaled, does cause cancer - much like Red Dye number 3 and other banned food additives.
If you have been exposed to asbestos, then you have every likelihood of developing a type of cancer that is extremely aggressive and metastatic (can migrate to other organs). This cancer is called mesothelioma, and it has no cure. In the event of exposure you should consult your doctor immediately and keep an eye out for shortness of breath, a tight chest, blood when you cough and any type of fluid buildup. These are the mesothelioma symptoms that doctors know about, but there could be others that present in unique cases.
The process for mesothelioma diagnosis involves tissue samples, fluid samples, screening and blood work, but most tests are inconclusive. Many different tests must be run concurrently, but together these can give us a good idea of how you became contaminated and whether or not asbestos was at fault.
The simple neglect of asbestos law ruins many lives each year, and if yours is one of them then you are entitled to a lot more than you might think. A top mesothelioma lawyer in Rhode Island can help you to fight the injustice of your contamination, help to secure you a large mesothelioma settlement and to prevent anyone else from contracting this disease in the same way you did. Unscrupulous landlords and factory owners should not be allowed to poison innocent people.
===== Source: Mesothelioma Law Firm
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